Scribus 1.5.0 now offers a "Symbol" or clone feature similar to Adobe Illustrator: If one master object (Symbol) has been modified, all of its copies (clones) are being modified as well.Previously it was only possible to link to external images. Scribus can now store bitmap images within its native file format.the "Drop Shadow" tab in the Properties Palette) have been deliberately left in place to receive feedback from users as to which way they prefer. In some cases inconsistencies in the UI (e.g. The Scribus Team is aware of the remaining deficiencies and will work on resolving these issues before the release of 1.6.0. For example, the context menu takes a lot less screen estate than before, and the Document Setup / Preferences dialog has been rewritten from scratch. The user interface has been overhauled and restructured in many places.Scribus will detect an installed version of UniConvertor and use it to import some of the vector formats supported by this program into Scribus.

Unfortunately we cannot offer GraphicsMagick and Open Scene Graph support for all platforms yet, whereas on Linux (and probably *BSD), GM and and OSG have become new dependencies.

Potential changes to the file format on the road to 1.6.0 notwithstanding, the Scribus Team will work very hard to make sure that files created by 1.5.0 and the following technology previews can be opened reliably in the next stable release. Thus, files created or edited in 1.5.0 cannot be opened in earlier versions of Scribus.